Seems that I have been held in some dreaming state...

Over the past few months I have realized that I have been taking a lot for granted.  I sort of feel like I've been floating through life and just accepting things for what they are rather than appreciating the beauty of them.  Let me be more specific without sounding like a bit of a hippie (side note - there is nothing wrong with being a hippie!) I haven't been appreciating the beauty of the world around me - specifically the seasons.  I grew up in Massachusetts but when I turned 19 I impulsively moved to Florida & lived there for about 5 years.  When you're a kid you just enjoy life for what it is - you don't get too wrapped up in the details but you also don't really appreciate the world around you like you do when you're an adult.  As an "adult" I lived in Florida, which was an amazing experience that I wouldn't change for the world.  I moved there on a whim and had the opportunity to spend time with family and  meet new people that will always be part of me.  I did a lot of growing up in the sunshine state but I knew within a year of living there that it would not be my forever home.  Something was missing and until about 3 months ago I couldn't quite put my finger on it.  At the end of March we started to get a taste of spring after one long winter here in lovely Massachusetts and I felt like I was opening my eyes for the first time in a long time.  This past spring was beautiful and I appreciated it more than I have ever appreciated any season in my lifetime.  Now that the spring is over and we've started summer (officially as of 3 days ago!)  I find that I am loving summer just as much as I loved spring. I've compiled a list of random things that I want to do this summer so that I can really enjoy it to the fullest extent possible!  Here it is...

via Pinterest
Have at least one picnic this summer!  I even want to go out and buy a fancy picnic basket & a checkered blanket so it feels like the "picture perfect picnic"!

Campfires! The smell of a campfire alone makes me smile - I must fill my summer with these :)

Read countless books while sitting at the beach.  I'm not sure if there is anything more relaxing than digging your toes in the sand, listening to the sounds of the ocean, feeling the summer breeze on your face and immersing yourself in a beautiful story...
via Pinterest
 Play in the rain.  I want to just let go and play in the rain like a little kid!  I may not be excited about the fact that I will be completely drenched after but I know that I'll enjoy it in the moment :)

These are only a few of the many things that I want to fill my summer with!  The next 3 months are going to be wonderful and I plan to enjoy each and every day to the fullest extent!!!  What do you plan to do with your summer??  Anything fun and exciting planned?  Let me know if you have any ideas that I could add to my list!

Lots of love, 