Frugal Fridays - Non-Slip Rug

For the July 27th Edition of Sunshine Maker Meg's Frugal Fridays, I present to you...a cheap trick to turn a throw rug into a non-slip rug!!  I found this great throw rug at Ikea a while back and I absolutely love it!  What I don't love about it, is that it never stays in place.  It's placed in the kitchen, right in front of the sink but it never stays there.  Between Toph and I moving around in the kitchen and the cats running around during their crazy spurts, this rug makes it's way around the floor every day.  Some days I can't even figure out how it has gotten so far from it's original spot.  I had gone to the store to look at rug pads the other day and realized that they're pretty pricey.  I couldn't find a rug pad for less than $10 and furthermore, all of the ones I could find were much too big.  I promptly came home and started looking for ideas on how I could do this on my own!  I found this frugal idea on Pinterest and had to try it out (Oh, how I love Pinterest)!

 You will need:

Step One:  Flip the rug over so that you are placing the grip on the underside of the rug
Step Two:  Apply lines of the caulk about 6" apart
Step Three:  Let it dry completely!!!
Step Four:  Put your rug back down on the floor and enjoy the fact that it no longer slips and slides

So I just did this project yesterday and am pretty happy with the results.  The rug isn't completely "slip-proof" but as of right now, it is staying in place more than it was before.  I will have to post an update next week to let you know if this project is a Frugal Friday Failure or a Frugal Friday Success!!  If you try this out, let me know how it works for ya!

Have a great weekend!

Lots of Love,
