
Friday, March 29, 2013

Frugal Fridays - Homemade Goo Gone!

I found this week's Frugal Friday idea on a blog called Budget Savvy Diva.  Goo gone is a fantastic product that can really come in handy but why go out and buy a bottle when you can make it yourself?  Simply mix one part vegetable oil for every two parts baking soda and VIOLA! You have your very own goo gone! This frugal idea will save you some money and as an added bonus, it's a much more natural option!! 

This is one of the most simple and useful Frugal Fridays that I have posted yet!  Try it out and let me know how it works for you!!


  1. I bet you could add a bit of orange zest so it would have that orange smell of Goo Gone.


    I pinned this via my web prowser pin button.

    1. This is such a great idea! It would do the job and smell good!!
