What do you do when you have an hour of free time, the urge to be crafty & all of the supplies to put together a notebook?? You make an adorable notebook & blog about how you did it (or at least that's the best answer I could come up with)! I have this strange obsession with making lists - if I can find a reason to make a list, I will make one! Needless to say, I tend to go through a lot of notebooks so this whole concept of making my own is quite ideal. This is a super easy project & you will more than likely have most (if not all) of the items needed in your home already!! Here is how to make your very own notebook...
You will need:
- A Cereal Box (Please note the clever name here - Honey Nut Spins instead of Honey Nut Cheerios)
- Mod Podge (I personally like the Matte but any kind will do!)
- Filler paper (I had this lined paper lying around but you can use whatever you like)
- Colored Paper (for the cover)
- A paper cutter (if you do not have a paper cutter you can use scissors and a ruler...the paper cutter just makes life easier)
- A paintbrush or sponge brush
- 2 binder clips or clothespins
Step One: Cut the scrap paper, filler paper & cereal box cardboard to 5" x 6" (pictured above)
Step Two: Apply a thin layer of mod podge to the cereal box
Step Three: Place the piece of colored paper on top of the cereal box and press down or place under a heavy item (a book works well for this)
Step Four: Repeat steps two & three with the other piece of cardboard and colored paper
Step Five: Give them about 10 minutes to dry
Step Six: Now it's time to put your notebook together! Place the cardboard pieces on the top and bottom as they are the cover of the notebook and place the filler paper in the middle
Step Seven: Line them up evenly and use either a binder clip or a clothespin to hold in place
Step Eight: Using a paint brush or sponge brush, apply a layer of mod podge to the binding of the notebook (Remove the binder clip or clothespin as you go but put them back right after you have applied the mod podge so that the notebook stays in place!)
Step Nine: Let dry for about 5 minutes
Step Ten: Repeat steps eight & nine
Step Eleven: Enjoy your adorable little handmade notebook & decorate it as you see fit!
I am very happy with this DIY project. It took about 30 minutes total and I now have a notebook made out of things I already had at home. I still haven't decided if I will use this notebook to track everything for my soon to be
Etsy shop, use it as my
Happiness Project note pad or just use it for my daily to do lists. But I do know that I am very excited to use it for whichever of the above options I choose! :)
Lots of Love,
Labels: Crafty Ideas