
Monday, August 13, 2012

Sunday Morning, Rain is Falling...

What do you do when you wake up on a Sunday morning with an empty to do list and the sound of rain hitting the windows?? You have a lazy Sunday and if you're me, you have a lazy Sunday and cross number 13 off of your 27 list!!  Originally number 13 was supposed to be a full day of staying at home & having a movie marathon but instead of watching movies all day, we watched episode after episode of a TV show called Super Natural. Who needs a bunch of movies when you have a ton of episodes of an awesome show at your fingertips??  So Toph and I spent the entire day vegging out in front of the television with a bunch of snacks and it was simply perfection!

Toph whipped up a batch of homemade soup that was super delicious!  It had to simmer for quite some time so while we were waiting for it to cook, it filled the apartment with the wonderful smell of homemade soup.  It was filled with carrots, celery, mushrooms, potatoes and onions (my mouth is watering as I type this).  Let's just say that I am convinced  I could eat that soup every day and be happy.

We ended the day with a really yummy pie.  Fill a graham cracker crust with peanut butter, fluffernutter, diced up bananas & chocolate pudding and ladies & have one fabulous pie on your hands!  This Peanut butter - Marshmallow - Banana - Chocolate - Graham Cracker Pie was the perfect ending to a perfect lazy day.

So another thing has been crossed off of my 27 List and to be quite honest this one came at a perfect time.  I have been uber stressed over the past few weeks and I have this odd inability to relax so having an entire day to do nothing but relax was exactly what I needed.  A whole day filled with a very wonderful man, three snuggle bug felines, cozy pajamas, a great television show and a bunch of delicious comfort food = A perfect lazy Sunday.  

Lots of Love, 

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