
Thursday, October 11, 2012

DIY Projects - Wrapped Vase

I have recently stumbled upon a ton of great ideas on Pinterest that involve wrapping cans or vases with different kinds of rope.  I just love the idea of taking something that is collecting dust or is going to end up in recycling and turn it into fancy looking decor.  I am all about the "upcycling"!! When I started decorating for fall, I realized that this wrapped vase idea would be a perfect addition to the decorations I already had.  It took me about 20 minutes total to complete this project and I am really happy with the result! 

You will need:
  • Sisal or Jute Rope (I found this for $1.50 at Job Lot and had some left over once the vase was covered)
  • A Vase
  • Hot Glue Gun & Hot Glue

Step One:  Starting at either the top or the bottom of the vase, put a line of glue
Step Two:  Take your rope, and press it up against the glue.  Hold it there for a moment as it dries.
Step Three:  Continue steps 1 & 2 as you wrap the vase slowly with the rope.  Be sure to not leave any gaps between the layers of rope!
Step Four:  When you get to the top - wrap the rope around until there is no more glass showing, cut the rope and use a nice bead of glue to secure that end piece to the vase

That's it folks!!  A few very easy steps and a little bit of patience and VOILA, you have a nifty new decoration for your home!!  If you have extra rope left over when your vase is finished, you can always take a few cans that are sitting in your recycling bin, clean them out thoroughly and wrap those too!  Oh the possibilities!! ;)

Happy Crafting!!

Lots of Love, 

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